The Silver Whisper

The Silver Whisper
Our home away from home

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Buddhist Temple, kinder garden, and a farmer

Posted by Andrea
 Today mommy and I went on a tour to see a Buddhist temple, a kinder garden, and a countryside farmer’s home.  The children were adorable, squealing, pushing shoving, laughing, generally being cute and energetic.  A class of 5 year olds sang a cute song.  The younger ones were enthralled with seeing themselves on a screen albeit the small one on the back of my camera.
Adorable children

                                                    Kids seeing themselves on the screen

We then went to a temple – one of about 20 in the area.
                                                                        US at the Temple

The temple grounds were huge, the gardens were lush, and the statues were impressive.  Originally built in the 13th century, the pagoda had fallen into disrepair and has been rebuilt in the last 20 years.  Some buildings only completed in the last four months.  While there an 80 year old monk demonstrated how to mediate.  It took him about 10 minutes to explain and demonstrate, then he left.  I can only assume it was a cliffs notes version, as no one specifically said it was speed meditating. I will try it someday, but don’t plan on wearing the mustard colored robes. 



While at the temple there were many other visitors, one of which took particular interest in the taller women of our group – I am sure you are on pins and needles about who garnered the interest of the local populace.  This lady was, to put it mildly, unconcerned with niceties, and flat out asked, through our tour guide, how old mommy was.  The answer was whispered to the tour guide who in turn whispered it to the questioner. The lady then told us she is 80 years old, we all smiled and we all went on our way.
                                                                          How old are you?

Of note also was the large granite ball at the entrance to the temple.  It is a Ball of Happiness; it is Vietnam’s largest Ball of Happiness.  On special occasions it is showered with water which makes it turn/roll in place.  Yes, seems the bigger the ball the more happiness.  I refuse to write more on this subject, my sophomoric sense of humor gets away from me and I am sure to insult some of our gentle readers.
                                                                       Big Ball of Happiness

We were told the government encourages the practice of Buddhism, but does not contribute any funds; the entire complex is privately financially supported.  Of note is the fact that the tallest statue on the grounds is a female Buddha.  She looked graceful and serene, and is apparently the Buddha that is credited with the care of all seafaring believers.
                                                                             Female Buddha

 The farmer and his wife have a humble home, and they seem happy.  They welcomed us with green tea and boiled sweet potatoes.  As evidenced by our presence on their property exploitation is alive and well and living in Vietnam.  Mommy asked if we could have our picture taken with the lady – she was very gracious and allowed us to do so.
                                                                           With farmer’s wife

                                                                    Farmer’s wife working

                                                                        Farmer’s rice Paddies

We saw tons of rice paddies, water buffalo, pineapple for sale, and every bit of bric a brac possible.  From our bus we saw lots of folks on mopeds, dogs, kinds, mud, and a seeming endless number of hotels for the tourist season, which is in the summer, i.e. not now.  Seems everyone (but us) knows the weather is foggy and not good this time of year, we should have called ahead.
                                                                                  Rice Paddies

The tour guide was a cheerfully brain washed girl who was happy to speak to the 1964 ‘liberation of North Vietnam’ which was followed in 1975 with the ‘liberation’ of South Vietnam.  She was just as happy to speak of Ho Chi Minh as the father of Vietnam, whom they all adore/worship; nothing like revisionist history.  Most of the people in Vietnam were too young or were not alive 40 years ago, so what they know is what they have been told, and what they have been told is that there was a liberation.
Once we completed the tour we returned to the ship where we had lunch and started editing photographs.  Before we knew it we were off to play trivia (a shipboard version of Trivial Pursuit) and then watched the boat prepare for departure from Ha Long bay.  We are now underway to the next stop, where we are scheduled to arrive tomorrow midday.  Daddy and I will go to Marble Beach and Da Nang, while mommy goes to another place, name of which currently escapes me.

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