The Silver Whisper

The Silver Whisper
Our home away from home

Saturday, March 17, 2012

After Shanghai - March 16, 2012

William's Sister (aka Andrea) Has Arrived!
The exchange has been made! William was traded for Andrea and we are now once again on the highseas, this time heading south again towards Vietnam.  Unfortunately, Andrea is suffering from what we hope is only mal de mer.  The weather is still cold (56 degrees) and foggy and the ship is bouncing a bit. Andrea –aka William’s Sister (WS) – notes “This thing could have been the twin sister of the Titanic and I would still get ill. Fortunately my mother – aka Mrs. Better Living Through Chemistry –proffered remedies of various sorts and I have found my sea legs, which I didn’t even know I had.  Thanks to her prescription-strength patch, and about 24 hours of sleep, I might be ok.”

Shanghai was an extremely modern city.  If you took away all the people and the Chinese signs, you would have very little oriental flavor left.  Like Hong Kong, the buildings were beautifully lit at night and the river scene was spectacular.  It is a clean city, mostly because little old ladies sit around on plastic chairs or benches with brooms of sticks and twigs to clean up constantly.  OK  I did see one street sweeping machine but it was playing the same kind of music that we associate with an ice cream truck, so it was hard to take it seriously. 

We went to the observation deck of the second tallest building in China, and it made the Empire State building deck look tacky! 
 It did have the required souvenirs, whew! We also went to a show of Chinese acrobats.  No, I went.  Daddy and William opted out.  It was considerably better than the Vietnamese show with the guy with the pipes up his nose.

We also rode the Maglev train which is a 7 minute ride to the airport and reaches a speed of 431 kilometers.  It was really a shock when the return train passed us on the track and went by in a flash.

Our next stops are all in Vietnam again.  But first we have three days at sea.  I am praying it gets to be a smoother ride so Andrea (WS) can enjoy things.

1 comment:

  1. So, William's sister must be living it up" or throwing up so much there is no time to fill us in. How weak!!
    Come on, feed me some more info.
