The Silver Whisper

The Silver Whisper
Our home away from home

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

At Sea - April 3rd

One of the things about which I have forgotten to tell you is our dinner down in the laundry. Yes, you read that correctly.  We (Carl me and Andrea) were invited to join the captain and the Hotel and Social Directors of the ship, with three other couples of the World Cruise contingent down in the laundry.  The laundry is way down in the bowels of the ship, as you would imagine.  It runs 24 hours a day and is manned by a group of Chinese men.  We entered into the small area to find it had been decorated with Chinese lanterns, fans and other decorations and were greeted by the working staff, who speak no English, I was told.  Only the crew chief is somewhat fluent and he transmits the orders to the rest. They shook hands with each of us (bowing of course) and then left the area.  We were served by some of the usual waiters but also one of the few of the “upstairs” crew who is Chinese.  Her name is Dan and she has served us coffee and a sweet roll more mornings than I can count, up in the Observation Lounge, which is on Deck 10 and forward on the ship.  This was a very different Dan.  She looked GORGEOUS in perfect makeup and a Chinese gown. Those if the family who have been on the ship will perhaps remember her.  You would never have recognized her.  The meal was not tooooo Chinese which was good for me, and was enjoyed by all.
I am going to try and insert a couple of pictures directly here into this document.  Unfortunately, none are of Dan, but you can see us and some of the decorations. 

This is of the captain, Carl and Andrea. 

And this is me telling someone what to do, as usual.
Kelly, you must let me know if this goes through this way. 
Love and kisses,
(Ed Note: The photos came through within the doc attached to the e-mail, but they would not copy to the blog - please resend photos separately. 
PPS: Finally - posted as of 16 Apr 2012!)    

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